Renew Leadership Growth Plan

In 1999, God called me to start a church. I really wasn’t looking to pastor a church, but I found that I had a heart for the work once I started. After a season of training and preparation, we started in a local hotel and soon transitioned to a local school. We grew quickly and I soon discovered that I was not totally prepared for ministry. In fact, there were times when I felt totally lost.

When I had problems, or faced major decisions, I had no one to confide in. I couldn’t go to a church member. That would have been counterproductive, especially if they were the problem. I didn’t want to burden my wife. The truth is that during those difficult times, I didn’t want her to think that I thought we should quit. I didn’t want to spill my guts to our national director. He might think I was in over my head. So what did I do? I kept my most difficult decisions and challenges inside. Sure, I talked to God about it, and He was always faithful, but something was missing. I knew it. I felt it.

God created us for fellowship. Our Creator designed us to connect in a meaningful way with other like-minded people. As pastors, we sometimes forget that we too are people. So as a pastor, whom do you turn to? I believed then, as I do now, that pastors need a safe place to connect and transform, so they can bring transformation and blessing back to their church.

That’s why God called me launch Convergence Leadership and Relationship Center. Our mission is to fulfill the Great Commission in our lifetime, by helping you grow your church. It’s the way we help you fulfill your mission that’s significant. Our single purpose is adding value to you through coaching, strategy tools, leadership training and a unique pastors’ community. We do this through a program we call RENEW.When I created the RENEW program, I built it based on what I wish I had when I was a pastor. Through Renew, you will be able to answer your three BIG questions:

  1. Why am I getting the results I am getting?
  2. What is it going to take to lift my church to the next level of performance?
  3. What is my personal plan of growth – because you have to become the change you want to see in others

In the RENEW program you will learn:

  1. The Five Aspects of Effective Relationships
  2. How to build a personal LifePlan
  3. How to use your calendar to grow your church
  4. The Nine Steps of a Compelling Ideation Process
  5. Define your new members journey, so you can track your results
  6. How to establish a thriving servant leader culture through an X-Chart
  7. Perform a SWOT Analysis to identify your primary initiatives
  8. To Conduct a 7 Pillars Networking Exercise
  9. How to use PDCA to grow the health of your church
  10. How to implement a Roundtable small group format
  11. You will learn to clearly define your core values and communicate those values to the community

Get Renew Today – contact us today.

AUTHOR: 96740881967
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